James Baldwin, civil rights activist and author.

We rejoice positive, inspirational people who embody love and healing. We need them now more than ever.

The daily, constant navigation of micro-aggressions, racial hate, bigotry and fear, takes a toll on the BIPOC mind, body and soul. 4 Corners Yoga Wellness understands the value and importance of creating safe space(s) to slow-down, embrace self and wellbeing in our community. For the month of February, we are celebrating our past and present BIPOC brothers and sisters who constantly work to shine a light and dismantle systems of hate.

James Baldwin born
August 2,1924-
December 1,1987

James, born in Harlem, New York City, was one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. A novelist and playwriter, his work focused on race, sexuality and the lived Black American experience. In 1948, penniless, James moved to Paris to distance himself from the pain of bigotry and hatred that he faced in his home country.

Five years later, he published his first novel, “Go Tell It on the Mountain,”

Did you know….

1. He was a preacher in his teens.

2. His mentor was American Harlem Renaissance painter Beauford Delaney.

3. He published reviews before he published fiction.

4. He preferred to write longhand.

5. He abandoned America after his best friend died of suicide.

6. He played a part in getting Maya Angelou’s first novel published.

7. He worked as a film critic.

8. He wrote a screenplay about Malcom X.