Join us for Candid Conversations

Humanity= Compassionate behavior toward all people.

Anti Racist= Encompasses a range of ideas and political actions which are meant to counter racial prejudice, systemic racism, and the oppression of specific racial groups.

Assimilationist= One who expresses the racist idea that a racial group is culturally and behaviorally inferior, believing that a racial group can be changed for the better by acting like another racial group.


Humanity= Compassionate behavior toward all people. Anti Racist= Encompasses a range of ideas and political actions which are meant to counter racial prejudice, systemic racism, and the oppression of specific racial groups. Assimilationist= One who expresses the racist idea that a racial group is culturally and behaviorally inferior, believing that a racial group can be changed for the better by acting like another racial group. 〰️

Candid Conversations, our bi-weekly anti-racist book club is a safe space that encourages open and honest discussions about difficult topics which aligns with the yogic philosophy of unity.

As a wellness provider, we understand that your health and well-being are paramount. We believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy and fulfilling life, and we are dedicated to providing you with the support and resources you need to achieve your wellness goals.

We take a holistic approach to wellness, which means we consider all aspects of your health, including your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We believe that true health, happiness and liberation can arise from a balance of all these elements.

At its core, yoga is a practice of self-exploration and self-awareness. It encourages us to look within ourselves and to understand our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. But it also asks us to consider our place in the world and our relationship to others. The concept of “interbeing” in yoga teaches us that we are all connected, that our actions and decisions have an impact on those around us, and that we have a responsibility to act with compassion and kindness towards others.

Racism, along with other forms of discrimination and marginalization, was declared a public health crisis back in 2021. This is because the effects of discrimination and marginalization are not just social or psychological, but also physical, leading to poorer health outcomes for those who are affected. The philosophy of yoga, which emphasizes unity and the interconnectedness of all beings, provides a framework for addressing this crisis.

For almost four years we have been coming together to share lived experiences and better understand the impact of our actions, no matter how small, on others. We aim to build bridges where actions divide and take steps in unlearning and relearning our own truths.

April 6,2025
3-5 pm

Join Us!

Nov 10th 2024


Where Yoga and Social Justice Intersect.

JULY 28th 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM



Suggested donation $10.00 per participant.

Join us! In community, over zoom, where we hold a safe space to witness without judgement and discuss the powerful story and journey of two dudes with lady cancer.

Film Synopsis

What are the chances? That two transgender masculine people living under the

same roof were diagnosed with “lady cancer” in the same month? One with breast cancer and the other with ovarian cancer. Trans Dudes with Lady Cancer is a courageous and personal story about the filmmakers' navigating their journey within a medical system that is scrambling to figure out how to provide affirming care for transgender people.

July 14th 3-5pm

A must see prior to November 2024.
What does democracy and social justice mean to you?

Members: Free
Non-members: payment options


June, 30th 2024


Candid Conversations

Members: Free
Non-members: payment options

At a defining moment in American history, a scrappy team of heroic ACLU lawyers battle to maintain abortion access, keep immigrant families together, allow transgender soldiers, and protect voting rights.


What’s worse than racism?

Talking about it.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Join like-minded individuals who seek to
listen, understand and take action.
It starts with self and
spreads to our social sphere of influence.

Join us for bi-weekly

What does racism mean?

Accepting a Latino man who deputized himself
to protect a White neighborhood
an unarmed young Black boy
walking and talking
on his cell phone with skittles and a soda.

Ava DuVernay on NPR’s Fresh Air.

Vulture Review
Ava DuVernay’s Origin

White Americans participate in and witness social and racial injustices every day. It plays on mass, social and the main stream media: Internet, TV, radio, and the movies. Yet most of White Americans refuse to recognize it. Why?

It does not impact them.

It is not relevant. 

Rinse and repeat. 

Why do most Americans have little interest in dismantling a system that benefits so few at the expense of so many?   Read review